• While completing this course is an important step in enhancing your qualifications, it does not guarantee a job. However, we always recommend that you actively seek out any form of work in your chosen industry to build your experience and network. Gaining practical experience, even in entry-level or volunteer positions, can significantly increase your chances of landing your desired job. Additionally, continuing your professional development through courses like this and others will keep you competitive in the job market. Combining your education with hands-on experience and a strong professional network is often the most effective strategy for securing employment.

  • The duration of the course varies depending on your personal pace and availability. The quickest completion time we’ve seen is 3 days, but that participant was likely very dedicated, working late into the night! Most people prefer to work through the material over the course of a month or two, balancing the course with other commitments. Since the course is self-paced, you have the flexibility to progress at a speed that suits your lifestyle and learning style. Whether you want to complete it quickly or take your time to absorb the material thoroughly, the choice is entirely yours.

  • There is no strict time limit imposed on completing the course, allowing you to learn at your own pace. However, we do suggest aiming to finish within a year to ensure you benefit fully from the content while it remains up-to-date. In rare cases where we decide to remove a course or significantly update it, we may implement a one-year limit to ensure that all participants can complete the course while it's still available. Rest assured, we will provide ample notice if any changes that affect course availability are planned.

  • Yes, you will receive a certificate upon successfully completing the course. This certificate serves as a formal recognition of your achievement and can be a valuable addition to your professional portfolio. It demonstrates your commitment to ongoing education and your dedication to advancing your knowledge and skills in your field. Many of our participants find that the certificate enhances their credibility when pursuing new opportunities or advancing in their current roles.